Thursday 13 June 2019


Definition & Theory

By definition, a sequence is a serial arrangement in which things follow in logical order or a recurrent pattern. Photo sequencing is actually stitching multiple images together and it is a form of time-lapse photography. A change in an object’s position over time is being displayed and it only works when the object moves across a static background.

How to achieve a sequencing photo:
  • Tripod
  • Fast shutter speed
  • Manual camera settings (to fix the exposure)
  • Manual focus
  • No Camera shake (be careful when pressing the button).
  • Direct the shoot (composition/framing and where the moving elements will move from and to are
  • important.
  • Photo-editing software.
Image result for sequencing photography

Personal Creation

I have taken a group of photos that I will merge together to create a complete sequence photo. I posed in different locations so I can create two complete photos. The settings for these photos were F4 aperture, shutter speed at 1/100 due to dim lighting and use of flash, and ISO 100. The camera was stood on a tripod in the corner of the room and set on self-timer to capture the various compositions.

Final Edits
Firstly, I start with one of the photos I plan to merge with others.
Then I dragged another photo and added a layer mask. Using a soft white paintbrush, I painted on the layer mask to reveal the majority of the second photo, but still have the first photo region where I am posing.
When taking the different poses, it seems my tripod had moved after the first two shots, causing the merging to be slightly off. So I pressed CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+E to capture everything visible and make it into a layer. Then I used the spot healing and clone tool to cover the places that didn't line up and blend it together so the background looks like one.
 After fixing this issue, I placed the third photo onto the other layers, added a layer mask and pressed CTRL+I to invert the visual of the photo. Then using a soft white brush tool, I painted over the area that I wanted to reveal. After this the photo is complete.

Final Pieces

The final outcome of these pieces has come out the way I had intended. These pieces could be representing the actions of a teenager when they are alone, conveying the boredom this current youth now holds constantly. The editing process for these pieces was easy to understand and perform quickly; I had a minor issue with the fact that in the second row of photos taken had slightly moved the frame, causing a blending issue. This issue was simple to solve though and hasn't affected the final outcomes negatively. The pieces could be improved with potentially more interesting poses, such as something more interactive for the viewer; this could make the photos higher in energy, making them more attractive.


I think that this technique has the potential to create a very dramatic effect over a photo is used correctly. Sequencing has the power to be humorous, or intense, and present many different messages. There is a high possibility for me to use this technique during my personal investigation since it owns a variety of possibilities for a photo.

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