Monday 23 September 2019

Photographer Research - Nastia Cloutier-Ignatiev

Nastia Cloutier-Ignatiev

Nastia Cloutier-Ignatiev is a 19-year-old portrait, fashion and beauty photographer based in Montreal. Her work is high quality modelling and is not afraid to be explicit with her work. She depicts people as sultry and intimate to the camera while other bizarre things could be surrounding them. Cloutier-Ignatiev goes for an alternative and intense approach, wanting the viewer to be almost shocked with what they are witnessing but also charmed by it.
"People say that I am the kind of photographer who gets fascinated by faces and bodies; that it’s as if lips and eyes dictated the way I capture the instant. That behind my aesthetic style, I am all about getting the most out of a simple situation." - Cloutier-Ignatiev
I felt Ignatiev's style, especially in this portfolio titled 'Love', was an intimate and strong method in presenting passion and love between two people, and potentially a useful style to incorporate in my personal portfolio.

Photo One
The boy- Boris @boris.leblanc The other boy- Yan Etchevary @yan.etch by Nastia Coutier-Ignatiev @nastia.jpg.jpg
This piece was shot by the photographer Nastia Cloutier-Ignatiev, it is of two people’s mouths close together, almost as if they are kissing, but their mouths are parted and overlapping each other. Ignatiev is using close-up photography but not wide-angle or else that would distort too much of the appearance of the mouths. She has used a light studio setting and macro quality when it comes to detailing on the models’ faces/mouths. The use of lighting and editing used has created a distinctive sample of colours, where the pink in the lips is harsh yet subtle at the same time. Judging by there being facial hair on one of the mouths and lack there of on the other, this photo is presenting a male and female in an intimate state. There is a tension presented in this photo due to the closeness, the women’s nose is pressed up against the man’s philtrum, which you can see slightly lifting his upper lip, and the pressure even lifting the woman’s lip slightly. Even though they are touching it seems incomplete because their lips are not pressed together, and the woman’s teeth are grazed on the man’s lower lip. The photos motion seems heavy as if the movement between these two is frantic. The closeness between the two suggests a comfort with each other and a history, making a photo appear personal. 

Photo Two
Related image
This piece is shot by the photographer Nastia Cloutier-Ignatiev, the piece is of two people close-up, and the female's lips are pressed up to the male's neck and her tongue against his skin. Once again, Ignatiev has used a close-up composition and bright studio setting for the lighting. The high definition creates a grain to the photo when perceiving the stubble on the male's neck and the taste buds on the woman's tongue; this high definition could be to emphasise and convey the passion between these two people. Both people lack identity due to their full faces not being revealed, the man not even having any facial features revealed removes almost all of his identity, the full focus now being left on the woman's mouth against his neck. The woman's tongue dragging against the man's neck suggests sensuality and conveys a strong intimate expressions given to the man. A viewer could feel uncomfortable when viewing this photo because the photo appears so personal, as if the viewer shouldn't be viewing this, it is just for the two people involved. But that is what makes it so much more special, the fact that these two people are willing to let people see how much they love each other and how comfortable they are with each other, they wish to flaunt that almost.

Photo Three
The girl- Karo Vadnais @karo_vadnais The other Girl- Karine St-Michel @karinestmichel by Nastia Coutier-Ignatiev @nastia.jpg-3.jpg
This shot is a close-up of two presumably women's faces pressed together and one women's thumb inside the others mouth. Ignatiev's use of lighting creates a high definition on the ladies skin and the creases in their lips, creating a intense appearance. The colouring of this photos makes the ladies lips a vibrant pink but they fit subtly with the rest of the photo. You can assume these are both woman from the fact that neither have facial hair and both of their lips are feminine and shaped like a typical woman's; the skin also appears fragile rather than rough like a typical man's. When looking at this photo it is almost like you can hear them breathing, their mouths being parted open suggests breath, the way they are parted also suggests something sensual about this situation. The woman's thumb pressed into the other woman's mouth conveys a desire to silence her, to keep her quiet from her breaths; most probably caused by the other woman with her thumb in the other's mouth. This also very intimate action could show the comfort between these two, strong enough to have confidence in doing such an action to each other; this comfort and confidence expressing their love for each other.

Photo Four
The girl- Aïcha @the.mixed.mess The boy- Anthony @the.chvmp1on by Nastia Coutier-Ignatiev @nastia.jpg-2.jpg
This shot is a close-up of two people, male and female, with the woman biting and tugging on the man's lower lip with her teeth. The high definition, macro lens quality, captures and reveals every little detail on their skin, having them appear grainy and static in some areas. The man's lower lip is a saturated pink with warm undertones that give a sense of warmth and comfort for the viewer and the photo overall; both people's skin tones also being warm and even creates a calming atmosphere. This calming atmosphere is strong since it can make such a harsh appearing action, biting a lip, still feel calm and steady. The action of biting the man's lip appears aggressive in sexual aspects, like this woman has a desire to express her attraction towards this man, and she has the confidence to do this is such a daring and explicit way. There is a slight lift on the woman's upper lip in the corner, suggesting a snarling action from her, this emphasising the aggression and intensity. Once again, the comfort and confidence within this woman conveys her love for this man, this being Ignatiev's intention I feel.


I feel Ignatiev's style and method of presenting two people's love for each other is vivid and daring. The explicitly within her work truly grabs the attention of the viewer and leaves them with an odd feeling, but still brings the message across that these people in this photo love each other, no matter any other factor. The high definition quality is eye-catching and pleasing to the eye, with warm tones and the vivid pinks from the models' lips presenting a purity even with the mouths being sensual. I think this method will be useful to experiment with for my personal project and even worthy of being placed into the final portfolio. I have always enjoyed the daring style some photographers use and think this particular one would be perfect in expressing my love for my partner.

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