Thursday 26 September 2019

Photographer Research - David Bailey

David Bailey

David Bailey is a well renowned British fashion and portrait photographer, capturing many celebrities and making commissions for musicians. Bailey isn't distinct for couple portraiture, but his method of portraiture is iconic and I feel would be a perfect inspiration for my style and personal project. Since he isn't distinct for couple photos, I have found portraits where he has captured two people together, to keep on track with my couple portraiture work.

Photo One
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This shot is of the artists Paul McCartney and John Lennon, members of the band The Beatles. The first thing that catches the eye about this photo is the positioning of the two men. Lennon being placed above McCartney, but he is more towered over him. Lennon's arms are rested on McCartney's shoulders, making his hands cover the body of McCartney; this leaving McCartney to appear smaller in size compared to Lennon. Furthermore, Lennon's head is rested on top of McCartney's head, this also having McCartney appearing smaller, but this also presents a relationship between the two men; the fact that the viewer can see they are both comfortable with this closeness will convey a history between the two men, whether the viewer knows who they are or not. Their expressions are calm but also could be perceived as intimidating due to the eye contact they make with the camera and the lack of emotion within them. Going back to the dominance between the two in positioning, Lennon being more dominant in the frame will give him more significance to the viewer, suggesting that he is more important than McCartney, but the contact between the two allows Lennon to pass over some of that dominance to McCartney, as if Lennon is making it clear that McCartney is significant to him and therefore should be significant to us.

Photo Two
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This shot is of the celebrities Cara Delevinge and Pharrell Williams, this being for a magazine shoot. Once again, Bailey has used the power of positioning and composition to create a power play between two people. Delevinge being placed in front of Williams, covering his whole body, leaving only his face and arm exposed. Delevinge is even holding Williams' face, establishing and even more powerful presence. Typically in the world, men are seen to be the more powerful characters rather than the women, however, in this photo, Develinge is given the presence of a powerful woman, overpowering a man in the photo. Williams is almost seen to be worshipping Delevinge by him being held by her. They both have an expression of pride and comfort for each other, this equalling out their dominance in the photo. The two are very close to each other, thus forming a relationship for the viewer; this further supported by the clear comfortable expressions on both. Furthermore, the two celebrities are wearing the same clothing, this matching in style further supports a personal relationship between the two, this also equalling out their dominance again because by wearing the same clothing it suggests they see each other as equals together.

Photo Three
Image result for david bailey
This shot is of the brothers Liam and Noel Gallagher. Here the positioning is equal, both are stood at the same level next to each other, neither are doing something different to the other. This equality gives them both an equal but very powerful dominance in the photo, their backs are pressed together, this suggesting a relationship and union between the two; this putting their dominance together to create something dramatic in the atmosphere of the photo. The brothers also looking very similar in appearance to each other gives the viewer the idea that these men are very similar to each other overall, once again furthering this equality. However, for a viewer that knows the history between these two brothers, the equality will become rather ironic. The Gallagher brothers were in the same band Oasis, where they performed iconic music for a long period of time, but eventually, the band split up which came to a shock to many followers of the band, since it seemed a spontaneous decision. After a while, it had come out that the brothers do not speak to each other or really have any relationship at all, and the issues they have between each other is what caused the band to split up. From various interviews and exposure, it seems the rivalry between the two is strong and there is no way of having whatever issue they have resolved. I cannot find when this photo shot by Bailey was taken, but say if this was taken before the rivalry begun, you could say that this photo becomes a piece of nostalgia, where it presents what once was. Furthermore, if you go the other way and suggest this was taken after the rivalry began, you could say that Bailey wished to present that even though these two do not like each other, that they are still brothers, and that is what makes them equal to each other.

Photo Four
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This shot is once again of the celebrities Cara Delevinge and Pharrell Williams. Bailey uses positioning again to create a more dominant subject within this shot; that being Delevinge. Delevinge is sat at a much higher level than where Williams is sat, allowing more of Delevinge to be in shot and only Williams' torso. Compared to the previous photo of the two, Delevinge is less dominant in this photo because before, Williams' body was covered, but now that their bodies are next to each other in comparison, you can see that Delevinge is a lot smaller in size compared to Williams; this making her appear weaker in comparison to the previous photo. Here the relationship between the two appears more disconnected than before. In the previous photo, the two had expressions of amusement and pride while they were rather close to each other, in this photo, the two appear more serious rather than amused as if they are trying to show the viewer that they are people to take seriously; they are also not as close as before. This photo appears more formal than personal and that removes some of the connection between the two, weakening the relationship. Granted they still appear as a couple, but a less joyful one, more of a power couple. Like before they are wearing the same clothing, thus creating a union between the two and telling the viewer that they should be seen as equal with each other.


I feel Bailey's style when it comes to two people/couple portraiture is an experimentation of power and union between the two subjects. The variety of positioning and composition that can be used to present a couple as one is wide and Bailey has shown just some of those, and he has inspired me to further experiment that. Although isn't distinct for couple portraiture, I feel his general style when it comes to portraiture immensely inspiring and professional, and so I will follow that style for my work. In my further shoots, I will go on with the inspiration to experiment with composition and the presentation of unity.

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